Insolvency Law in Uncitral
Instruments and Comments
David Morán Bovio, Ángel María Ballesteros Barros
- Escritor
- David Morán Bovio
- Escritor
- Ángel María Ballesteros Barros
- Colección
- Fuera de colección
- Materia
- <Genérica>
- Idioma
- English
- 9788498289046
- 978-84-9828-904-6
- Depósito legal
- NA 2168-2023
- Páginas
- 476
- Ancho
- 16,5 cm
- Alto
- 23,5 cm
- Edición
- 1
- Fecha publicación
- 30-10-2023
A book about Uncitral insolvency instruments, their continental impact and a global perspective. All the chapters has been written by UNCITRAL´s Working Group and Plenaries representatives from their Countries or from International Organizations. This ambitious project has been possible thanks to the coedition between Editorial UCA (University of Cádiz Press) and Aranzadi. An spanish version has been A book about Uncitral insolvency instruments, their continental impact and a global perspective. All the chapters are written by UNCITRAL´s Working Group and Plenaries representatives from their Countries or from International Organizations. This ambitious project has been possible thanks to the coedition between Editorial UCA (University of Cádiz Press) and Aranzadi. An spanish version has been also simultaneously published whose ISBN is 978-84-9828-903-9
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