Cultural Representations of Other-than-Human Nature: Against what one might think, the expression “other-than-human” must not be set against its corresponding “human”. One of the main goals of this collective work is to acknowledge both concepts as part of a harmonic whole integrated in a common environment; that is to say, to suggest the study of the human species in its own environment, looking at how it perceives itself and how it makes visible, imagines and represents other-than-human nature. Specialists...
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- Ebook
Contemporary Bilingualism Llanito and Language Policy in Gibraltar: A Study (EBOOK): A mixed methods study into language use among young adults in the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar. It examines attitudes towards speaking English and Spanish, and includes the first ever data set on the code-switching vernacular: Llanito, exploring the uses and acceptance of Llanito in Gibraltarian society. English is found to be the most appropriate language in all settings and Llanito emerges as the language of choice in social and intimate...
Contemporary Bilingualism Llanito and Language Policy in Gibraltar: A Study: A mixed methods study into language use among young adults in the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar. It examines attitudes towards speaking English and Spanish, and includes the first ever data set on the code-switching vernacular: Llanito, exploring the uses and acceptance of Llanito in Gibraltarian society. English is found to be the most appropriate language in all settings and Llanito emerges as the language of choice in social and intimate...